That, my fellow knitters, is the sound a graduate student makes when she realizes that she has at last finished her final assignment and will actually have time to knit things!
As an early celebration of freedom, I went to Maryland Sheep and Wool last weekend. It was a wonderful time and no, I don't have any pictures. I went with the intention of only buying yarn for five specific projects and not a single skein more. My friend chuckled at my naivite and mercifully did not say "I toldja so," when I was frantically trying to justify skein upon skein of soft and snuggly that collected in my bag.
I am proud of myself, though, because I only filled one little bag with yarn and she filled four huge bags and had to make three trips back to the car.
Hopefully now that I'll have this magical thing called "free time" I'll be able to update my blog more regularly and maybe even get through my March sweater.
Don't even talk to me about sweaters.