Tuesday, January 15, 2013

There's Always Tomorrow...

As it's now January 15 and I've only just cast on the 180 stitches needed for my very first sweater, I've come to a realization: knitting a sweater is remarkably like going to the gym or going for a run.

Hear me out.

I'm going to go for a run.  Really.  There is a beautiful reservoir that overlooks my apartment complex that conveniently has a wide, paved walkway that is 1.25 miles long with distance markers spray painted directly onto the path every quarter mile.  It takes me about three minutes to walk from my door up the well worn doggy path up to the path.  It's even unseasonably warm and the sun is shining, the perfect day to start running.  I have my spiffy running shoes and I've even invested in a very serious sports bra and seamless athletic shirt (to prevent chaffing, you know).

But I've got a headache, so I'll just go tomorrow.

Yesterday, I was tired.

Sunday, I had papers to grade and it was my sweetheart's birthday.

Saturday I was so exhausted from a long week of student teaching that I just really needed to focus on Sherlock and Benedict Cumberbatch's cheekbones.

Coincidentally, these are also some of the reasons why I hadn't started my first sweater for the 12 in 12 until today.  At first I had a legitimate excuse: The yarn didn't arrive until the 8th.  Since then?  Yeah, just being a bum.

Today was the day, however, that I rolled up a skein and cast on 180 whole stitches!  And, if I work at least 30 rows a day from now on, it should be finished by the end of the month!

1 skein, 19 rows, and 12 hours later...

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